Our mission
Our mission is to make quitting 20 times easier. Most people who smoke struggle hugely with quitting. Only 3 in every 100 attempts succeed long-term. We can increase this to 60 in 100 by continually finding better ways to help people quit. Essentially, this means more personalised support. Our goal is to deliver the support each smoker wants, in the way they want it precisely when they need it. We’re about a quarter of the way there already and picking up speed. If you smoke you can help by using the app and telling us (anonymously) whether you’ve quit. If you don’t smoke, simply telling other people about us would be of great help.
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Our Philosophy
Put user needs first Take time to learn what those needs are. Treat people individually, treat them well. Help people love not smoking Make the benefits of quitting feel real, show the gains being made each day, instil pride about being a non-smoker. Treat quitting as a process Know it usually takes multiple attempts, see each one as progress. Keep people going until they succeed. See quitting as a springboard Help people use success in quitting as proof of how capable they are. Always iterate Keep coming up with better ways to help people quit. Be a good business Think long-term; act sustainably; be respectful; look for mutually beneficial solutions.
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Our Commitments
We focus on helping as many people stop smoking as possible, not on making as much money as possible. Anything we recommend and all the tools we provide will be based on the best available evidence. We will be positive, encouraging, and empathetic. We will remember how difficult we found it to quit. We will support you in whatever way works for you. We believe there is no such thing as the wrong way to quit. We will keep your data safe and secure. In no circumstances will it ever be sold. We will build a company that generates lasting value for our users, staff, suppliers, public health systems and the environment for decades to come.
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